November 13, 2023

Debunking QA myths
Quality Assurance (QA) often gets wrapped up in myths and misconceptions that can mislead a tech professional. From the misguided notion that QA is just an expensive checkbox in the development process to the idea that it’s synonymous with testing, these myths can skew perceptions and derail the true potential of QA in any project.

It’s time to shine a light on the reality of QA, so we can fully utilize its benefits, integrate it into our practice, and lead the industry in the game called software development. 

Myth #1: QA is expensive

While it’s true that effective QA requires an investment, the cost of preventing defects is typically far lower than the cost of fixing them in production. This is on top of the money you save from the financial impact of a defective product on brand reputation and customer satisfaction. In fact, by investing in QA, you can expect significant returns in the form of software longevity and reliability, customer trust, and business continuity.

Myth #2: QA = Testing

Testing is but one aspect of QA. QA is about ensuring quality at every stage of the software development process — from planning, design, development, to testing — and not just finding bugs at the end of development. Beyond software, QA is about establishing a culture and set of processes that prevent issues even before they occur. 

Myth #3: QA is solely responsible for quality

Quality is a shared responsibility among developers, business analysts, managers, and leaders. The QA team implements the QA process, but embedding quality in every stage of the software development cycle and in the whole organization is only possible with the collaborative effort and commitment of all stakeholders. 

Myth #4: QA only applies to software

While QA is essential in software development, its principles apply to manufacturing, healthcare, services, and other industries. In technology, QA also plays a crucial role not just in development, but in planning, designing, and support. More than bug-free software, QA means delivering the best possible outcome, regardless of the field.

Myth #5: There is only one good way to do QA

A successful QA in one project does not mean success in another — it’s not a one-size-fits-all. QA methodologies, each with its own set of practices and tools, must be tailored to the specific needs of a project. Still, QA engineers can take learnings and best practices from previous experience to inform the decisions they will make in a new project.

Myth #6: Some tests are superior to others

Certain types of testing, like security or user acceptance testing, may seem more critical, but remember that each test serves a purpose and contributes to the overall quality of a project. For example, unit tests are crucial during development, and stress tests are more critical in the pre-release phase.

Myth #7: QA means perfect

No QA process, no matter how rigorous, can guarantee a product completely free of errors. The objective of QA is to reduce the risks of defects to an acceptable level and not to eradicate all potential errors. It’s about managing the quality and reliability of the product efficiently. 

Applying QA in Agile

After minimizing (but not completely eradicating!) myths, we can better understand QA. There’s no reason why we shouldn’t embed QA into our processes and practices, starting with Agile.

    • Early bug detection. Early detection and remediation of issues are generally less expensive and easier to fix.
    • Better team collaboration. With QA integrated into the Agile process, there’s a more collaborative environment where developers and testers work together, leading to better communication and faster resolution of issues.
    • Continuous improvement. Agile thrives on feedback, and with QA practices in place, there’s a constant loop of feedback and improvement, which enhances the overall quality of the product.
    • User-focused: QA ensures that the product is not just developed right, but that the right product is developed. It focuses on user experience and satisfaction, aligning the product with user needs and expectations.
    • Flexibility and adaptability. By incorporating QA in Agile, teams can adapt testing and quality practices as requirements change, ensuring quality is maintained as the product evolves.

QA all the way!

Stratpoint understands the intricacies of quality assurance and the misconceptions that come with it. Our approach to QA is embedded in our Agile approach to projects, ensuring that we leverage it to deliver the highest quality products and services.

Let us help you bring quality into every aspect of your business. Fill out the form below.

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